
AP, The Chronicle of Philanthropy and The Conversation join to jumpstart coverage of nonprofit world

Reposted from 9/28/20The Daily BeastBy Emily Shugerman The collaboration, funded by a three-year, $3.6 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., is aimed at advancing the public’s awareness and understanding of the people and organizations trying to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.  All three organizations will expand the volume of fair and accurate coverage of…

Young journalists should gear ourselves to cover nonprofits

By Stephen Neukam My introduction to journalism, generally and certainly as a student, taught me that the primary purpose of the institution was to hold government power to account. Undoubtedly this is true — our experiment in democracy would not be as far along without the third estate. Beyond government oversight, we become aware of…

‘Don’t Forget the White Women!’: Members Say Racism Ran Rampant at NOW

Reposted from 6/6/20 The Daily BeastBy Emily Shugerman Monica Weeks knew she was taking a risk when she ran for vice president of the National Organization for Women. She was young—29 years old—and campaigning on the first all-women-of-color ticket in the organization’s 50-year history. Her friends thought the group was old-fashioned, and her mother, an immigrant…

Numerous Nonprofits Celebrate 100th Anniversary

By Dane S. ClaussenNonprofit Sector News2020 is the 100th anniversary of numerous major nonprofits founded in 1920, such as:American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)American Society of Association ExecutivesDairy CouncilDisabled American VeteransFederal Bar AssociationLeague of Women Voters

Increase In Mergers of Nonprofits?

By Dane S. ClaussenNonprofit Sector News It appears there has been a slight increase in mergers between nonprofit organizations duringthe pandemic. This certainly is preferable to shutting down, if that’s the alternative.It may also be a good idea anyway. There’s too much overhead in every little town having itsown X nonprofit organization

Salesforce Helps Manage Accelerated Pace of Change

Reposted from 6/3/20 Food Bank NewsStephanie Pitera Under normal circumstances, the San Antonio Food Bank serves 60,000 individuals a week. At the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, this number skyrocketed to 180,000, and has since normalized at around 120,000.  To meet the demand, the food bank has also been sourcing food and raising funds at…

Backlash and Beyond: What Lies Ahead for Teach For America?

Reposted from 5/29/20 Education WeekBy Helen Baxendale Helen Baxendale is the director of academic affairs and policy for the Arizona board of regents. Prior to this, Helen was an instructor at Oxford, where her Ph.D. dissertation examined  the Teach For America program as a lens for understanding U.S. school reform. Helen will be digging into the…


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