About NSN

Nonprofit Sector News

Mission Statement

Building Communities by Reporting on U.S. Nonprofits and Supporting Local News Media. 

Nonprofit Sector News covers all U.S. nonprofits—charities to foundations, labor unions to trade groups—nationwide, with news, feature, and investigative journalism. Its audience is the general public, and other journalists. (Nonprofit Sector News is NOT a trade publication for employees, board members, and major donors to nonprofit organizations, unlike The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Nonprofit Times, Nonprofit Quarterly, NonprofitPRO, and others, although employees, board members and donors should find NSN content to be informative and interesting.)

Nonprofit Sector News distributes its original journalistic content only by email to everyone, including other journalists, other nonprofit news organizations, other nonprofit organizations, and the general public. By distributing high-quality, locally relevant articles about local, statewide, regional and national nonprofit organizations to other news media, it supports those local media, which have been hit hard by economic and technological forces, as well as informing those media’s readers, viewers, and listeners.

Nonprofit Sector News also curates postings of news, feature, and investigative stories by other news organizations on its social media accounts, which announce or link to NSN’s own journalism as stories are completed and made public.

Nonprofit Sector News, a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, has been granted tax-exempt status, under Section 501[c][3]), by the US Internal Revenue Service as of July 13, 2020.

Meeting the Founders

Dr. Dane S. Claussen

Dr. Dane S. Claussen is the Editor-in-Chief & Executive Director (CEO) of Nonprofit Sector News. He also currently is Lecturer of Strategic Communications at the University of Idaho, and Editor of Newspaper Research Journal, an international scholarly journal published quarterly by the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication’s (AEJMC) Newspaper & Online News Division and SAGE Publications. Dr. Claussen is the former editor of Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, another international scholarly journal published quarterly by AEJMC & SAGE. He is a former Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, and has been extensively involved with nonprofits organizations for journalism, higher education, LGBTQ issues, historic preservation, and philately.

Claussen was publisher and/or editor of daily, weekly, biweekly, and monthly newspapers and magazines in Washington state, Oregon and Wisconsin. He taught media management, media law, media ethics, journalism, social scientific research methods, and public opinion courses, among others, as a professor at Missouri State University, Point Park University, Thiel College, and Shanghai International Studies University. Claussen holds a B.S. (journalism [newspaper management & news-editorial writing]) from the University of Oregon; an M.S. (mass communications) from Kansas State University; a Ph.D. (mass communication) from the University of Georgia; and an M.B.A. (corporate finance & labor relations/human resources) from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Matt Stroud

Matt Stroud is Executive Advisor and former Interim Publisher & General Manager (COO) of Nonprofit Sector News. As Executive Advisor, his role involves consulting with Editor & Executive Director Dane S. Claussen on content, media clients, public audiences, and strategic planning. He also directs investigative reporting at The Daily Memphian, Memphis, Tenn. 

Before launching Postindustrial, he was a full-time journalist for the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, and The Verge; editor of Philadelphia’s Next American City magazine; and a researcher/writer for the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania. He holds a B.A. in economics and nonfiction writing from the University of Pittsburgh, and an M.A. in journalism from Point Park University, where he was a graduate assistant in the now-closed Innocence Institute.

About Our Staff & Volunteers

Valerie Wilden

Valerie Wilden is Director of Development, with specific responsibilities for fundraising and general responsibilities in public relations and other marketing. She brings more than 40 years of nonprofit public relations, operations, government affairs and fundraising success to boost financial support and awareness of the unique Nonprofit News Service. She served as president of a charitable organization, TV spokesperson for a five-state Christmas program and has placed thousands of stories in news media ranging from neighborhood tabloids to Good Morning America and the Associated Press. Her experience includes record-breaking special event net revenue honoring national leaders such as Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, physician and humorist Patch Adams and former first lady Barbara Bush, in addition to a talent show featuring Jackie Evancho, 5Ks, golf tournaments and fashion galas.  She recently handed off a fundraising association for a Division II collegiate Men’s Lacrosse program after founding and running it for four seasons. She is a three-term trustee of Westminster College, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in English. Upon graduating with a Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication from Point Park University, she taught corporate writing in the Integrated Marketing Communications program there. As principal consultant for Vivid Communication, Wilden lends her talent to the Pittsburgh Film Office, a metropolitan chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a local EMS agency.

Meeting the Interns

Naga Prudhvi Panguluri

Naga Prudhvi Panguluri is a senior majoring in Journalism at the University of Idaho. Growing up in India, he fell in love with soccer, and is passionate about the beautiful game. Playing and watching sports in general are his hobbies. He is excited to be a part of the Nonprofit Sector News family, and working as an intern will give him the glorious opportunity to magnify his writing skills and cover nonprofit organizations at the national level.

Emely Salguero

Emely Salguero is a senior at California Lutheran University studying Spanish and journalism with aspirations to work for a Spanish-languange publication in the future. When she’s not writing, she can be found spending time with her two baby kittens.

A complete list of employees, board members, interns, and volunteers appears on our “Contact Us” page